The mmWave Coalition is a group of innovative companies united in the objective of removing regulatory barriers to technologies and using frequencies ranging from 95 GHz to 450 GHz. The Coalition does not limit itself to supporting any particular use or technology but rather it is working to create a regulatory structure for these frequencies that would encompass all technologies and all possible uses, limited only by the constraints of physics, innovation, and the imagination.
To accomplish this objective, the mmWave Coalition is pursuing a coordinated, multi-prong approach to:
- Create large contiguous blocks of spectrum by proposing service rules, including Part 101 and Part 30, that span existing Fixed Service (FS), Mobile Service (MS) bands, and present passive (US 246) bands, e.g. 102-130 GHz facilitating speeds comparable with fiber optics technology.
- Update present US Allocation Table US246 to enable controlled sharing of passive above 90 GHz spectrum under strict conditions that protect the passive uses of them — which is much easier at these frequencies than at lower bands.
- Extend quantitative RF safety limits above present 100 GHz to decrease regulatory uncertainty.